Page - What is the ICC
The Brain Injury Alliance’s program, Iowa Concussion Consortium (ICC), formed in response to the increased need to provide consistent, rapid, relevant and reliable information on concussion and other brain injury to Iowa’s health care professionals, educators and other school related staff, students, parents and guardians.
Membership increases the impact of ICC by increasing opportunities to provide support and training across the state. ICC works to increase the capacity and expand our reach to support communities and multi-disciplinary teams serving Iowans with concussion. The ICC works to reduce the occurrence of concussion by increasing knowledge regarding concussion and improving outcomes and safety for Iowans.
Members across Iowa work to share consistent information and are provided guidance by the Iowa Concussion Consortium Advisory Committee and the Brain Injury Alliance of Iowa Board of Directors. The ICC supports a volunteer Speakers Bureau that works to provide training and outreach to school districts, at community events and with medical providers.
If your organization wishes to join the Iowa Concussion Consortium, CLICK HERE
If you have interest in receiving updates from the Iowa Concussion Consortium via newsletters and other announcements, CLICK HERE
If you would like additional information about becoming a volunteer with the ICC Speakers Bureau, CLICK HERE