

What’s happening in our world? This is where we share updates, stories, action alerts, and announcements—so you can always stay up to date about what we (and others) are doing to prevent brain injury and create a better future for people with brain injury, in Iowa and beyond.

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The Unmasking Brain Injury display recently went up for viewing beginning March 19 at Genesis Physical Therapy and Wellness Center in Bettendorf . The event, hosted by the Brain Injury Alliance of Iowa (BIAIA), exhibits a number of masks created by people living with brain injuries throughout Iowa. The art exhibit will be open to

“Resource Guide for Iowans Affected by Brain Injury” Brain injury is a complicated diagnosis, and understanding this new world can be confusing and overwhelming after an injury has occurred. For more than 35 years, the Brain Injury Alliance of Iowa has been working to be there for Iowans who find themselves navigating this unanticipated landscape.

The Des Moines Register reporter Aaron Young (right) recently lost his mom, Angela, to a brain injury, and his family received support from the Brain Injury Alliance during their journey. He wrote about his family’s heartbreaking experience here. March is Brain Injury Awareness Month nationwide, and it’s all about sharing stories, both happy and sad, to

The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program offers free tax help to people who generally make $54,000 or less, persons with disabilities and limited English speaking taxpayers who need assistance in preparing their own tax returns. IRS-certified volunteers provide free basic income tax return preparation with electronic filing to qualified individuals. In addition to VITA,

                 The Genesis LIFT program is an outpatient-based program for brain injury rehabilitation located at the Genesis Medical Center in Bettendorf, Iowa. The LIFT program is designed for adolescents and adults who have sustained a brain injury and are medically stable, yet would benefit from intensive rehabilitation services

The Brain Injury Alliance of Iowa (BIAIA) is committed to leading efforts that makes brain injury prevention, rehabilitation, and support services a priority within the state of Iowa. BIAIA works with policy makers at various levels to help grow services for those that have experienced a brain injury. We help individuals with brain injury, their

Currently, more than 95,000 Iowans live with a long-term disability due to an acquired brain injury. Recovery following a brain injury is an intense and difficult experience for survivors, requiring understanding and acceptance of resulting disabilities, along with new expectations for quality of life and self-fulfillment. Family members, who most often serve as caregivers and