

What’s happening in our world? This is where we share updates, stories, action alerts, and announcements—so you can always stay up to date about what we (and others) are doing to prevent brain injury and create a better future for people with brain injury, in Iowa and beyond.

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Medicaid update from Disability Rights Iowa (DRI): “Many lawmakers and citizens see dollar signs rather than faces when considering Medicaid Managed Care issues in Iowa. Help Disability Rights Iowa show lawmakers that Iowans in the Medicaid Managed Care system are just like them. They want to live in their homes in their communities rather than

Eileen, a brain injury survivor who lives in Ankeny, painted her mask pink, orange, blue and purple. Divided into bright blocks of color, Eileen’s mask also features the words “happy,” “sad,” and “Mom.” “My mask represents my different emotions that I go through,” she wrote, in a statement accompanying the art project. “The purple side

USBIA PUBLIC POLICY COMMITTEE ACTION ALERT: Action needed this week!!! Last week, Senators Bill Cassidy and Lindsey Graham unveiled a plan for Congress to consider, to repeal the Affordable Care Act and drastically cut the Medicaid program that is vital in providing the medical and community supports needed by Americans with brain injury. Although the

EXCERPT: “In the first version of her story, Grace Costa says that, on the night after Christmas, in 2012, her ex-boyfriend broke into her house, hid behind her bedroom door, and then attacked her as she and her two grown children—a son and a daughter—were about to eat dinner. In the second version, it’s still

From: USBIA Executive Committee, USBIA Public Policy Committee Please join us and advocates around the country TODAY for a National Call-in Day to oppose the Senate’s Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. Details at This bill will hurt people with disabilities because: It dramatically cuts the revenue necessary to fund Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security, housing,

The Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation unit at UnityPoint Health – St. Luke’s Hospital is supporting the Brain Injury Alliance of Iowa’s mission to promote awareness and the prevalence of brain injury. The Unmasking Brain Injury Display is currently in the cafeteria at UnityPoint Health in Cedar Rapids and will be there for the next two

Check out our latest webinar, “Concussion in Adults: Recovering While Managing Life’s Responsibilities,” presented by Dr. Shawn Spooner, primary care Sports Medicine physician at UnityPoint Clinic in Urbandale, IA. Dr. Spooner highlights the various difficulties and challenges adults can run into after sustaining an injury and shares resources and medical supports available to assist in

It has been announced that AmeriHealth Caritas will no longer be a Managed Care Organization (MCO) for Iowa Medicaid and hawk-i (Iowa Health Link programs). AmeriHealth Caritas will withdraw from the program effective November 30, 2017. AmeriHealth Caritas members’ coverage will be reassigned to one of the other two MCOs (AmeriGroup or United Health Care)