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90 Days of Advocacy 2021
Thursday, February 20th 2/20/2020 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM Invest in Iowa Act Town Hall – Adel, Govenor Reynolds and Lt. Govenor Gregg Adel Public Library, Community Room, 303 South 10th St., Adel, IA 50003 Friday, February 21st 2/21/2020 9:30 AM – 10:30 AM Spill the Beans – Anita, Rep. Sorensen Weather Vane, 663 Main St
We are excited to announce that individuals listed on the Brain Injury Waiver waitlist can now apply for prioritization on the waitlist based on emergency and urgent need! Once on the brain injury waiver waitlist, you will receive a letter in the mail notifying you about the Emergency Need Assessment application. If you are already
The 2020 Legislative Session is upon us and we are actively working for better supports and services for Iowans with brain injury. Join us at Hill Day 2020 on February 5, 2020 at the State Capitol. This year the top priorities being asked for by BIAIA include “Line’s Law” – a helmet law for moped
What did the Iowa Legislature accomplish for Brain Injury in its most recent session?
What was accomplished? Thanks to a bill introduced by Representative Joel Fry, it eliminated reference to a monthly fiscal cap for Home and Community Based Services in the Brain Injury Waiver. Why is this important? The prior language read: “The total cost of brain injury waiver services, excluding the cost of case management and
The winter weather has not been kind to us this year, causing us to reschedule our Advocacy Hill Day TWICE. Its back on the calendar for March 27. You can find details HERE for Registration. Our 2019 Legislative priorities include several requests, including elimination of the waiting list for the Medicaid Home and Community Based
Dr. Nate Newman (Iowa Athletic Trainers’ Society) stopped by Good Morning Iowa this morning–even as Gov. Reynolds was preparing to sign the bill–to talk about concussion legislation that was passed through the statehouse:
PRESS RELEASE: Gov. Reynolds Signs New Concussion Legislation to Protect Iowa Students
Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds held a signing ceremony this morning for House File 2442, an update to Iowa’s 2011 Youth Sports and Concussion Law. Here’s a summary of what’s new: Prior legislation required that a coach, official, or licensed health care provider must remove a student from activity upon the observation of any signs, symptoms,
On Friday, April 6, the movie “The Miracle Season” opens in movie theaters nationwide. It tells the story of the state-champion Iowa City West High volleyball team and its star player and captain, Caroline “Line” Found, who lost her life in a tragic moped crash in 2011. Her mom, Ellyn, who had been sick with
The Brain Injury Alliance of Iowa (BIAIA) is committed to leading efforts that makes brain injury prevention, rehabilitation, and support services a priority within the state of Iowa. BIAIA works with policy makers at various levels to help grow services for those that have experienced a brain injury. We help individuals with brain injury, their
Medicaid update from Disability Rights Iowa (DRI): “Many lawmakers and citizens see dollar signs rather than faces when considering Medicaid Managed Care issues in Iowa. Help Disability Rights Iowa show lawmakers that Iowans in the Medicaid Managed Care system are just like them. They want to live in their homes in their communities rather than
Legislative and Policy Links
- InfoNet – Iowa’s Disability Policy Resource
- United States Brain Injury Alliance – Public Policy
- Brain Injury Association of America – Advocacy & Government Affairs
- Iowa – Find your legislator
- Iowa Mental Health and Disability Services (MHDS) Commission
- Iowa Olmstead Consumer Taskforce supporting the full inclusion of people with disabilities in housing, employment, transportation, healthcare, and other areas
- Iowans with Disabilities in Action – dedicated to generating greater civic and political participation among people with disabilities
- Americans with Disabilities Act Home Page at the Department of Justice
- Iowa State Plan for Brain Injury 2018-2021 from the Iowa Advisory Council on Brain Injury